10th July 2024
Dear Members
We wish to inform you of the following :
The newly elected Committee of Management for 2024/2025 are as follows:
President | Prof Dr Maurice Teo |
Chairman | Mr Victor Pang Koon Seah PBM |
Vice Chairman | Mr Chua Tian Teck |
Hon Secretary | Mr Rathakrishnan s/o Sinnappan |
Asst Hon Secretary | Mr Gregory De Silva |
Hon Treasurer | Mr Paul Ng Kim Seng |
Asst Hon Treasurer | Ms Joyce Goh Chui Buay |
Committee Members: | Mr Richard Kho Hock Guan |
Mr Vincent s/o Nallusamy | |
Mr Haleem Khan Suratee | |
Ms Aileen Chong Hui Yong | |
Mr Goviden Sathasivam | |
Mr Ayub Khan Bin Malik Khan Surattee |
Thank you for your previous support.
We began this Scheme three years ago and would like to continue our recruitment exercise for another year. The Society looks forward to replenish our membership decline due to the previous COVID-19 years. It remains open to all members until further notice. To participate, please indicate yourself as the “Proposer” in the Application for Admission forms.
- Kindly update your banks accounts with the society if you have not done so. All payments inclusive of dividends will be credited through interbank Giro to your respective bank accounts. Members whose bank accounts are not registered with the Society, and Dividends not claimed by 24th September 2024 will be transferred to ;member’s Sundry Account.
- We would appreciate if you could also forward the Society your personal email addresses. This will enable the Society to communicate with you effectively through this additional channel.
- It is important to immediately update us of any changes to your bank accounts, home addresses and email addresses if any.
In keeping with the working norms and to adopt the work-life balance of our staff, the Society will adopt the 5-day week effective 01 July 2024. The working days will now be from Mondays to Fridays. The working hours will remain unchanged i.e. 9.00am to 6.30pm. After office hours, Documents and Forms may be deposited at a collection box placed outside the society’s office.
The Society will be granting awards to deserving children of members from primary to university levels.
Only members who have continuous membership of one (1) year as at 31 December of the preceding year shall be eligible to apply for the award. No member’s child will be eligible for more than one award of the scholarship in any of the categories. Application forms for applying the following scholarship awards can be collected from the Society’s office w.e.f. 01/08/2024 (THURSDAY) and should be filled and returned to the Society by 30/08/2024 (FRIDAY). Late applications or submission shall not be entertained).
- PSLE Scholarship Award
This award is offered to members whose children have passed the Primary Six Entrance Examination (PSLE) 2023 and are currently studying in Secondary One (2024). - GCE ‘O’ Level Scholarship Award
This award shall be opened to members whose children have passed the Secondary Three (Express) or Secondary Four ‘N’ Level (Normal) in 2023 and are currently studying in Secondary 4 (Express) OR Secondary 5 (Normal) and will be sitting for GCE ‘O’ Level in year 2024. The awards shall be based on individual merits and will be up to a maximum of 80 awards. - GCE ‘A’ Level Scholarship Award
This award shall be confined to members whose children will be sitting for GCE ‘A’ Level in year 2024. The awards shall be based on individual merits and will be up to a maximum of 30 awards. - University Scholarship Award
This award shall be confined to members whose children are presently in the first year courses 2024 at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Management University (SMU) or Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD), (SIT) and (SUSS).
The award shall be presented to the eight (8) of the most outstanding candidates among the applicants.
*PSLE & University applicants need not get their endorsement at their schools or universities.
Thank you
Yours fraternally
Gregory De Silva
Communication and Publicity Sub Committee
Scholarship Application Forms:
PSLE Form | Download |
'O' Level Form | Download |
'A' Level Form | Download |
University Form | Download |